The greatest urban air polluter is the emissions from exhaust gases. The progressive increase in the number of cars in Bulgaria leads to even greater illness of children and adults including respiratory and cardiovascular system.
A disturbing fact is that native auto park consists mainly of old cars aged more than 15 years and most of them use the most environmentally damaging fuel - diesel. It is generally agreed that diesel is cheaper, but no one thinks how harmful are the consequences of a seemingly more cost-effective solution.
The standard of living in Bulgaria, the lack of strict control and personal responsibility of drivers are basic prerequisites to keep breathing the dirtiest air in Europe.
Bulgaria and Georgia are countries where indicators of air pollution are higher than those of China.
This is due to the old cars the more widespread use of diesel, wood and coal for heating.
A much cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative is the use of gas injection system for cars. Countries that benefit the most gas systems are South Korea, Turkey, Poland, Japan, Australia, Russia, Italy, Mexico, Thailand and the USA.
If the ca doesn’t have factory-manufactured gas system, there is an increasing number of new professional systems for retrofitting. Consumers need to take more responsibility and attention when choosing a service and enjoy quality rather than cheaper systems in order to get all the benefits.
The slower economic development of Bulgaria allows no good preventive healthcare, nor delaying the tendency to buy new cars. Therefore the responsibility remains under the consumers and themselves to take care through alternate to improve the environment and standard of living.